Thursday, October 10, 2013

brand infiltrating mobiles

being mobile is the popular slogan which is not published yet...however the other popular slogan are tending in the fancy smartphones of the mo-humans.
we are yet to discover the amazingness in coming years as the planets is still identifying the fitting contents in the world of mobile ads.
Further the regional dimensions of ads also vary in terms of content , technology (form and service) and the consumption pattern.
Ad companies are optimistic
Ad companies are adding into the space
Ad companies are discussing apps to flash into smartphones
Ad companies will rely on m-commercial activity

As we analyze the potential of mobile ad market which in one word is jackpot to marketers.
global-mobile-advertising--statistics-and-trends  (pls enlarge once the link opens into new page)

 Mobile world will excite the new and existing Brands  into the minds of the consumer.
Content is king ...the content needs to be smartphone enabled.
some of the unavoidable mobile trends i could perceive :

  • Participative and interactive mobile ad ( released as early as 2001 by MIT communication / Wieden + Kennedy in New York.  )
  • Informative mobile ad
  • Crowd sourcing

the above sums high level trends. However participative ads will see lot of traction in terms of consumer inquisitiveness. content will be the crowd puller. There would be deifferent facets to participation ...forced participation ( contest ) is one of them. There are talking Brands which are touching consumer minds as long as consumer is with his/ her mobiles....

Technology will idealise the concept of participation and there would be version available as the market matures. Brand will become very lean and data centric before being targeted in the form of ads to consumers.

All these factors will refresh Brand strategy , rather force Brands to reinvent into new form factors. Of course Brands are device agnostic but content is not ....till date . And then there are platforms / OS / ecosystem /

Ramping up on mobile

Brand presence within 5 inch screen or more is as challenging  as interesting as we think of it...then comes the CTR (click through rate) questions ... Brands are revamping its Aps with new navigation and deeper enhancements of content .

 What are the Ad Format :

Mobile banners
App lists ( ad units)

Enter the Cloud

Cloud computing eliminates the need to wait...
So we don't need to wait for the brand to knock the mobile doors - it would cloud the imagination of the consumer. But how effective cloud will prove to the advertisers wooing the gen X Y Zs.., even I am not that sure (means I will keep googling) till I am posting my research outcome in my next blog in 2014 !?

some points to pin under the cloud advertisement should affect the way we treat brands.

in cloud - there would be multiple point of contact for a brand to ad
in cloud - technology is available and it is available for less ( so regional brand can out perform)
in cloud - ads could be device agnostic / platform , OS , consumer agnostic :)
in cloud - again content will rule and not the container #pj
in cloud -  advertisers might not be sure / analytics should save the media planner

media planner - I don't want to get into this topic.... as of now.

So what is the all the above getting is getting into the fact that technology is the talk of the town ..creativity is now tech dependent... television is still a medium of info-tainment but mobile is eating the consumption time.
All in all we are into exciting times...
